European Companies Search Engine

Wordmark: “FOR THE MUSIC IN YOU“ Euipotm7 Nov 2018 European Union Intellectual Property Office (Trade Marks)



Trade mark

Type Word
Filing number 017933622
Trade mark status REGISTERED
Nice Classification

9: Software downloadable from the internet; Computer programs for editing images, sound and video; Computer software for processing digital music files; Music-composition software; Computer software for creating and editing music and sounds; Computer programmes for data processing; Computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; Data communications hardware; Data processing equipment; Peripheral devices for data reproduction; Downloadable software; Downloadable sound recordings; Music software; Software; Software for operating an online shop; Software and applications for mobile devices; Software to control and improve audio equipment sound quality; Audio recordings; Audio effects apparatus; Digital music downloadable provided from a computer database or the internet; Downloadable musical sound recordings.

15: Musical instruments controlled by computer; Electronic apparatus for synthesising music [musical instrument]; Sound effects machines being musical instruments; Cases for musical instruments; Mechanical, electric and electronic musical instruments; Musical instruments; Musical instruments incorporating arrangements for modifying audio signals; Musical instruments controlled by microprocessor; Racks adapted to hold musical instruments; Musical keyboard carrying cases; Electronic keyboards [musical instruments].

Filing date 23/07/2018
Registration date 06/11/2018
Expiry date 23/07/2028

Native Instruments GmbH

Schlesische Str. 29-30

D-10997 Berlin


The filing refers to a past date, and does not necessarily reflect the current state. The current state is available on the following page: NATIVE INSTRUMENTS GmbH, Berlin, Germany.

Creative Commons License The visualizations for "Native Instruments GmbH - Wordmark: “FOR THE MUSIC IN YOU“" are provided by North Data and may be reused under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY license.