European Companies Search Engine

79 EU fundings (total €44.6M): Large Area Organic Devices with Bar-Assisted Meniscus Shearing Technology … BdlYear 2014 Financial Transparency System


Csic, Madrid, Spain

01/02/2014 EU funding: From Large-Scale Distribution Patterns to Efficient Conservation Plans
01/01/2014 EU funding (€1,072,343): Harmonic Analysis, Partial Differential Equations and Geometric Measure Theory
01/02/2014 EU funding (€1,131,885): UV-Completion through Bose-Einstein Condensation: a Quantum Model of Black Holes
01/05/2014 EU funding (€1,140,562): New Methods and Interacions in Singularity Theory and Beyond
21/05/2014 EU funding (€1,146,157): Developing Uses of Alternative RAW Materials in Cokemaking
01/02/2014 EU funding (€1,160,743): The Fingerprint of a Galactic Nucleus: a Multi-Wavelength, High-Angular Resolution, Near-Infrared Study of the Centre of the Milky Way
01/01/2014 EU funding (€1,187,431): Electrical Spin Manipulation in electroACtive MOLecules
01/01/2014 EU funding (€1,207,265): Targeting Challenges of Active Ageing: Innovative Integrated Strategies for the Healing of AGE-Related Hearing Loss
01/02/2014 EU funding (€1,251,964): Forest Resources for Iberian Empires: Ecology and Globalization in the AGE of Discovery
01/01/2014 EU funding (€1,260,042): Invariant Manifolds in Dynamical Systems and PDE
01/01/2014 EU funding (€1,358,639): Cold and wet Early Mars: Proposing and Testing a New Theory to Understand the Early Martian Environments
16/05/2014 EU funding (€1,373,989): Calcium Looping CO2 Capture Technology with Extreme OXY-Coal Combustion Conditions in the Calciner
01/02/2014 EU funding (€1,374,350): Foster
01/06/2014 EU funding (€1,443,880): Restoration of Lentic Habitats and Aquatic Species of Community Interest in High Mountains of the Pyrenees
01/01/2014 EU funding (€1,849,585): *****
01/04/2014 EU funding (€1,904,186): Mixing in Heterogeneous Media Across Spatial and Temporal Scales: From Local Non-Equilibrium to Anomalous Chemical Transport and Dynamic Uncertainty
01/07/2014 EU funding (€1,919,325): Knowledge-Based Innovative Solutions to Enhance Adding-Value Mechanisms Towards Healthy and Sustainable EU Fisheries
01/03/2014 EU funding (€1,980,106): PDE4NPD Parasite-Specific Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors to Target Neglected Parasitic Diseases 602666
01/01/2014 EU funding (€100,000): Support of a European Research Career: Chemical Biology of Autophagy
01/09/2014 EU funding (€100,000): Support of a European Research Career: Pollinator Responses to Global Change and ITS Implications for Ecosystem Function
01/01/2014 EU funding (€12.3M): Grant FP7 - 604057 - Speed
01/01/2014 EU funding (€122,220): The Physiology and Genetics of Fruit Formation: From Genes to Networks
01/06/2014 EU funding (€149,993): Commercialization of a Nanomechanical Flow Cytometer for Cell pre-Screening
01/12/2014 EU funding (€149,999): Large Area Organic Devices with Bar-Assisted Meniscus Shearing Technology
01/04/2014 EU funding (€159,000): Bringing Researchers Closer to the Public: European Researchers Night - Researchers Square
01/08/2014 EU funding (€15M): Gas and Dust From the Stars to the Laboratory: Exploring the NanoCosmos
01/04/2014 EU funding (€166,336): Dynamics, Genomics and Functional Significance of Uncultured Marine Stramenopiles
01/10/2014 EU funding (€166,336): Global Existence VS Blow-up in Some Nonlinear Pdes Arising in Fluid Mechanics.
01/03/2014 EU funding (€166,336): Understanding the Nature and Origin of Black Deposits in Caves: New Insights on Enigmatic Microorganisms and Secondary Minerals Valuable for Astrobiology.
01/05/2014 EU funding (€166,637): Implementation of a Novel Brain Machine Interface to Restore Limb Movement and Promote Recovery From Partial Spinal Cord Injury: Basic Studies and Clinical Application
01/03/2014 EU funding (€168,940): Philosophy of History and Globalisation of Knowledge. Cultural Bridges Between Europe and Latin America.
01/09/2014 EU funding (€173,371): Integration of Photonic Nanostructures in Flexible DYE Solar Cells
01/05/2014 EU funding (€173,371): Spatial Variation in Community Structure: Species, Functional and Phylogenetic Diversity AT Different Scales
01/01/2014 EU funding (€2,399,908): Grant FP7 - 613571 - Mareframe
01/08/2014 EU funding (€2,431,771): Pattern Formation and Mineral Self-Organization in Highly Alkaline Natural Environments
01/03/2014 EU funding (€2,467,861): Temper
01/02/2014 EU funding (€2,491,827): Novel Properties of Antigen Receptors and Instruments to Modulate Lymphoid Function in Physiological and Pathological Conditions
01/02/2014 EU funding (€2,499,674): Three-Dimensional Molecular Resolution Mapping of Soft Matter-Liquid Interfaces
01/01/2014 EU funding (€2,499,773): Memola
01/05/2014 EU funding (€2,500,000): 612796 - Macfinrobods - Integrated Macro-Financial Modelling for Robust Policy Design
01/02/2014 EU funding (€2,537,708): Forest Resources for Iberian Empires: Ecology and Globalization in the AGE of Discovery
01/01/2014 EU funding (€2,608,059): *****
01/02/2014 EU funding (€2,791,771): Towards the Next Generation of bb0nu Experimets
01/01/2014 EU funding (€221,192): Comparative Genomics and Environmental Diversity of Coral Associated Apicomplexa-Related Lineages
17/03/2014 EU funding (€226,444): Piof-GA-2013-624680-Manu:Marine Aerosol Nucleations
01/05/2014 EU funding (€230,037): HOW Active Black Holes Shape the Universe: Beyond Hubble
01/05/2014 EU funding (€244,233): Genetic MAP of European Butterflies: Continental-Scale Cryptic Species Assessment and Comparisons to North America and Australia
01/01/2014 EU funding (€252,215): Artificial Night Lights and Seabirds: Solutions to a Fatal Attraction
13/05/2014 EU funding (€265,263): Maize Candy-Leaf Mutants: a Tool for the Study of Grass-Specific Cell Wall Biology with Potential Applications in Renewable Energy Production and Cereal Crop Pathogen Protection
01/05/2014 EU funding (€3,339,309): On the Impact of Extreme Weather on Critical Infrastructures
01/03/2014 EU funding (€3,490,499): Advanced Radiotherapy, Generated by Exploiting Nanoprocesses and Technologies
01/01/2014 EU funding (€3,600,000): Grant FP7 - 613571 - Mareframe
01/02/2014 EU funding (€3,674,375): Biopolymer Based Food Delivery Systems
01/02/2014 EU funding (€3,898,109): Allied Initiative for Training and Education in Coherent Optical Networks
01/09/2014 EU funding (€341,387): Macrobenthic Communities Associated with Deep Wood Falls Lying in Submarine Canyons
01/01/2014 EU funding (€357,448): Harmonic Analysis, Partial Differential Equations and Geometric Measure Theory
01/03/2014 EU funding (€375,380): Philosophy of History and Globalisation of Knowledge. Cultural Bridges Between Europe and Latin America.
01/02/2014 EU funding (€386,914): The Fingerprint of a Galactic Nucleus: a Multi-Wavelength, High-Angular Resolution, Near-Infrared Study of the Centre of the Milky Way
01/03/2014 EU funding (€4,019,894): PDE4NPD Parasite-Specific Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors to Target Neglected Parasitic Diseases 602666
01/03/2014 EU funding (€4,020,488): Training Network on Reactive Geological Systems From the Mantle to the Abyssal SUB-Seafloor
01/02/2014 EU funding (€4,849,530): FP7-Ocean-2013 614088 Mariabox
01/01/2014 EU funding (€4,998,727): 607405 - QA4ECV - FP7-Space-2013-1 - Quality Assurance for Essential Climate Variables
01/01/2014 EU funding (€4,999,000): Grant FP7 - 613551 - Legato
01/01/2014 EU funding (€4,999,184): Risis
01/10/2014 EU funding (€403,623): Implementing Methodologies and Practices to Reduce AIR Pollution of the Subway Environment
01/03/2014 EU funding (€5,535,066): Ascent - Advanced Solid Cycles with Efficient Novel Technologies 608512
15/06/2014 EU funding (€50,000): Support of a European Research Career: Technocracy and Democracy: Convergence, Conflicts and Negotiations. a Comparative and Global Analysis of Expert Knowledge and Political Power (18th to 21TH Century)
01/03/2014 EU funding (€508,774): Ascent - Advanced Solid Cycles with Efficient Novel Technologies 608512
01/03/2014 EU funding (€558,031): Ascent - Advanced Solid Cycles with Efficient Novel Technologies 608512
01/10/2014 EU funding (€6,000,000): 633085 - MyOcean FO - Pre-Operational Marine Service Continuity in Transition Towards Copernicus
01/01/2014 EU funding (€62,500): Support of a European Research Career: the Application of Modern Proteomic and Metabolomic Methodologies in the Assessment of High Added-Value Traditional Meat Products.
01/01/2014 EU funding (€635,368): Indo European Collaboration on Moduli Spaces - to Study of Moduli Spaces and Their Relation to Geometry, Physics and Arithmetic
01/02/2014 EU funding (€7,590,586): Globaqua
01/01/2014 EU funding (€8,721,405): *****
01/10/2014 EU funding (€860,251): Sustainability of Photocatalytic Technologies on Urban Pavements: From Laboratory Tests to in Field Compliance Criteria
01/01/2014 EU funding (€913,273): Maghreb-EU Research Staff Exchange on Geodynamics, Geohzards, and Applied Geology in North-West Africa
01/07/2014 EU funding (€964,926): In-USE Properties of Super High Strength Steels Generated by a Range of Metallurgical Strategies
01/05/2014 EU funding (€98,626): Implementation of a Novel Brain Machine Interface to Restore Limb Movement and Promote Recovery From Partial Spinal Cord Injury: Basic Studies and Clinical Application
04/06/2014 EU funding (€999,265): Novel Nano-Structured Bainitic Steels for Enhanced Durability of Wear Resistant Components: Microstructural Optimisation through Simulative Wear and Field Tests

This filing was translated from to English. The filing refers to a past date, and does not necessarily reflect the current state. The current state is available on the following page: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Madrid, Spain.

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