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EU funding (€6,564,893): Noise and Emissions Monitoring and radical mitigation Hor25 Mar 2020 EU Research and Innovation programme "Horizon"


Noise and Emissions Monitoring and radical mitigation

NEMO aims to create a turn-key solution through which new systems are integrated into existing infrastructure to empirically measure emissions and noise emitted by individual vehicles. The new measurement systems, together with the implementation of new mitigation solutions, form a global and scalable solution to improve air quality and reduce noise impact in EU cities. By the envisaged standardization, the systems will represent an instrument for enforcement against high-emitters in Low-Emission Zones and other sensitive areas. The first dimension comprises a new and enhanced autonomous remote sensing system that identifies noisy and polluting vehicles in existing traffic and make this information available to tolling or access systems. The system can be fully integrated into the road/rail infrastructure and will have the tools available to communicate with the existing data structure of both vehicle/train operators and road/rail authorities. The second dimension develops a holistic solution to mitigate noise and emissions of passing vehicles. This integral approach involves road texture optimization, green barriers, photocatalytic materials and microplastics collection in the asphalt layer pore network. The combined effect of dimensions 1 and 2 will achieve the targeted 30% improvement in air quality for road traffic and will exceed the targeted 20% improvement in noise. For rail traffic, NEMO will enable the acoustic determination and identification of individual wagons in passing trains. This improves the effectivity of tolling or banning policies for noisy cast iron block braked wagons. The NEMO consortium covers all the relevant technologies at already quite high readiness level and incorporates extensive experiences in the application and interpretation of vehicles’ noise and emission monitoring. The performance of the developed systems will be demonstrated, analysed and disseminated in four pilots (two for road, one for rail and one for shipping).

Funded Companies:

Company name Funding amount
??????? ????????? ??? ?? ?????????? ?????????? ????? ??????? €186,875
Audiotec Ingenieria Acustica SA €140,500
Comune DI Firenze €191,125
Federation Europeenne Pour le Transport et l'Environnement Aisbl €148,380
Fundacion Cartif €506,250
Fundacion de La Comunidad Valenciana para La Investigacion, Promocion y Estudios Comerciales de Valenciaport €74,625
Gate 21 €299,375
??? ?????? ???????? ??????? ???????? ?????????? €163,660
KAPSCH TrafficCom AG €460,631
??? ??????????? ?????????? ???? €583,596
MUELLER-BBM Industry Solutions GmbH €413,261
?????????? ???? ???????????? ???? €435,000
Opus RS Europe SL €1,042,669
Opus Technology Solutions AB €664,250
Ricardo-AEA Ltd. €241,045
Sintef AS €308,893
Universidad de Cantabria €400,125
Universite Gustave Eiffel €304,633


The filing refers to a past date, and does not necessarily reflect the current state.

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