European Companies Search Engine

152 EU fundings (total €45.3M): 669504 - Ultrasupertape - Ultrafast Growth of Ultrahigh Performance Superconducting Tapes … BdlYear 2015 Financial Transparency System


Csic, Madrid, Spain

01/06/2015 EU funding: 654359 - Elter - European Long-Term Ecosystem and Socio-Ecological Research Infrastructure
01/05/2015 EU funding (€1,044,000): 654119 - Parthenos - Pooling Activities, Resources and Tools for Heritage E-Research Networking, Optimization and Synergies
01/09/2015 EU funding (€1,055,128): Synergic Tpad and O3 Process in Wwtps for Resource Efficient Waste Management
01/01/2015 EU funding (€1,061,100): 645479 - E-Jade - Europe-Japan Accelerator Development Exchange Programme
01/01/2015 EU funding (€1,107,757): 671820 - EEN Madrimasd - EEN Madrimasd
16/07/2015 EU funding (€1,136,614): A Novel Approach for Accounting and Monitoring Carbon Sequestration of Tree Crops and Their Potential AS Carbon Sink Areas
01/09/2015 EU funding (€1,159,418): Innovative Fully Biodegradable Mulching Films & Fruit Protection Bags for Sustainable Agricultural Practices
01/07/2015 EU funding (€1,210,122): Coal-Liquid Based Upgraded Carbon Materials for Energy Storage
01/10/2015 EU funding (€1,235,210): Efficient Integrated Real-Time Control in Urban Drainage and Wastewater Treatment Plants for Environmental Protection
01/03/2015 EU funding (€1,256,375): 633152 - Geofluids - Geometric Problems in Pdes with Applications to Fluid Mechanics
01/09/2015 EU funding (€1,267,624): 654248 - Corbel - Coordinated Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-Science Services
01/08/2015 EU funding (€1,284,499): Andalusian Blue Carbon for Climate Change Mitigation: Quantification and Valorization Mechanisms
01/04/2015 EU funding (€1,411,163): 642224 - Freewat - Free and Open Source Software Tools for WATer Resource Management
01/06/2015 EU funding (€1,499,979): 639226 - Mami - the Power of Maternal Microbes on Infant Health
01/01/2015 EU funding (€1,538,419): 646172 - Aures - Auctions for Renewable Energy Support: Effective use and Efficient Implementation Options
01/09/2015 EU funding (€1,547,631): 654248 - Corbel - Coordinated Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-Science Services
27/08/2015 EU funding (€1,590,000): Service Contract Easme/Emff/2014/ Seabasin Checkpoints LOT 2 Atlantic (Call Mare/2014//09)
01/10/2015 EU funding (€1,599,000): 676564 - Epos IP - Epos Implementation Phase
01/09/2015 EU funding (€1,658,000): 676559 - Elixir-Excelerate - Elixir-Excelerate: Fast-Track Elixir Implementation and Drive Early User Exploitation Across the Life-Sciences.
01/04/2015 EU funding (€1,662,086): 654310 - Odip 2 - Extending the Ocean Data Interoperability Platform
01/10/2015 EU funding (€1,713,603): Olive Alive: Towards the Design and Certification of Biodiversity Friendly Olive Groves
01/01/2015 EU funding (€1,799,569): 639034 - NCP_Wide.NET - Transnational Network of Cooperation for Widespread NCPs
01/09/2015 EU funding (€1,873,385): 646869 - Regulobac-3UTR - High-Throughput in Vivo Studies on Posttranscriptional Regulatory Mechanisms Mediated by Bacterial 3'-Utrs
01/07/2015 EU funding (€1,920,738): 648518 - Supercell - Single-USE Paper-Based Fuel Cells
01/07/2015 EU funding (€1,966,771): 647012 - Sensorthalamus - Thalamic Control of Neuroplasticity
01/11/2015 EU funding (€1,996,334): 647359 - Topomics - Global Dynamics of Topoisomerase-Induced DNA Breaks
01/03/2015 EU funding (€11,851.00): 634495 - Minouw - Science, Technology, and Society Initiative to Minimize Unwanted Catches in European Fisheries
01/09/2015 EU funding (€11.2M): 654248 - Corbel - Coordinated Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-Science Services
01/01/2015 EU funding (€115,475): 674846 - Innmadrimasd 2 - Innovation Services for Enhancement Innovation Smes Capacities in Madrid Region
01/07/2015 EU funding (€119,085): 656725 - Starlightwinds - Mass Loss in the Lives and Deaths of Massive Stars
01/09/2015 EU funding (€119,085): 658844 - ECO-Phylogeo - Linking Phylogeography to Ecology: Extracting Rules for Butterfly Biodiversity AT Large Spatial Scale
01/04/2015 EU funding (€11M): 653549 - Indigo-Datacloud - Integrating Distributed Data Infrastructures for Global Exploitation
01/05/2015 EU funding (€11M): 654119 - Parthenos - Pooling Activities, Resources and Tools for Heritage E-Research Networking, Optimization and Synergies
01/01/2015 EU funding (€120,000): Optical Coherence Tomography for Intraocular Lenses
01/06/2015 EU funding (€14.9M): 641762 - Ecopotential - Ecopotential: Improving Future Ecosystem Benefits through Earth Observations
01/02/2015 EU funding (€146,540): Biodiversity Over Microevolutionary and Macroevolutionary Scales: Evolutionary and Ecological Determinants Revisited
01/05/2015 EU funding (€149,898): 664714 - Servotec - Fast Data Acquisition and Servo Technologies
01/11/2015 EU funding (€149,922): 679942 - Fast Spectro - Spatially Multiplexed Spectrophotometry
01/07/2015 EU funding (€149,953): 665634 - Tonality - Commercialisation Tridimensional Nanoporous Alumina Templates
01/11/2015 EU funding (€149,972): 680894 - Wasp - Wide Spectral Range Photonic Glucometer
01/09/2015 EU funding (€15.3M): 676559 - Elixir-Excelerate - Elixir-Excelerate: Fast-Track Elixir Implementation and Drive Early User Exploitation Across the Life-Sciences.
01/06/2015 EU funding (€158,122): 654906 - Alhis - Archaeology, Landscapes and Heritage in the Iberian Southeast
01/09/2015 EU funding (€158,122): 657434 - Pholed - Photonic Nanostructures for Light-Emitting Devices.
01/04/2015 EU funding (€158,122): 658982 - Chaos - Nonlinear Compensation in Hybrid Raman/Edfa Amplified Optical Systems
04/09/2015 EU funding (€16,562.00): 674 - Feasibility Study
01/10/2015 EU funding (€16.8M): 676564 - Epos IP - Epos Implementation Phase
01/02/2015 EU funding (€166,336): Genome-Wide Screen for New Centrosome Position Regulators.
01/02/2015 EU funding (€166,336): Travelling Knowledge in Medieval Islam: the Asharites of AL-Andalus and North Africa
01/05/2015 EU funding (€170,122): 654615 - Evoprimpol - Artificial Evolution of a Novel Multifunctional Human Polymerase
01/07/2015 EU funding (€170,122): 655162 - Strominger - the Strominger System of Differential Equations
01/05/2015 EU funding (€170,122): 655841 - Interactev - Genome-Wide Analysis of RNA and Protein Interacting Profiles During a Plant Virus Infection
01/09/2015 EU funding (€170,122): 659008 - Socforvul - the Impact of Supplementary Feeding on the Food Searching Strategies and Social Behaviour in an Endangered TOP Scavenger
01/09/2015 EU funding (€170,122): 659072 - Resisgal - Ostreid Herpesvirus 1: Genetic Selection of Resistant Strains and Environmental Interaction in the Atlantic Coast of Spain (Galicia)
01/06/2015 EU funding (€170,122): 659135 - Hlqpt - Holographic Lattices and Quantum Phase Transitions
16/02/2015 EU funding (€173,371): Developing Smart Coordination Polymer Nanoparticles AS Biomedicine for Metastatic Neuroblastoma
01/01/2015 EU funding (€18,144.00): FP7 Interest Payments
01/11/2015 EU funding (€18.00): 635646 - Ponte - Pest Organisms Threatening Europe - Support to Research Focused on Emerging Pests in EU Agriculture and Forestry
01/04/2015 EU funding (€189,887): The Role of Mixotrophs in the Oceanic Carbon Cycle
01/03/2015 EU funding (€2,103,594): 633127 - Upwards - Understanding Planet Mars with Advanced Remote-Sensing Datasets and Synergistic Studies
01/03/2015 EU funding (€2,119,429): 652641 - EU-Polarnet - Connecting Science with Society
01/09/2015 EU funding (€2,143,219): 676559 - Elixir-Excelerate - Elixir-Excelerate: Fast-Track Elixir Implementation and Drive Early User Exploitation Across the Life-Sciences.
01/10/2015 EU funding (€2,423,894): 648901 - Foremat - Finding a Needle in a Haystack: Efficient Identification of High Performing Organic Energy Materials
16/07/2015 EU funding (€2,432,930): Protection of KEY Ecosystem Services by Adaptive Management of Climate Change Endangered Mediterranean Socioecosystems
16/09/2015 EU funding (€2,463.00): Kbbe-2013-7 613688 Foodintegrity
01/06/2015 EU funding (€2,470,519): 671093 - Syncatmatch - Matching Zeolite Synthesis with Catalytic Activity
01/12/2015 EU funding (€2,496,652): 669504 - Ultrasupertape - Ultrafast Growth of Ultrahigh Performance Superconducting Tapes
01/06/2015 EU funding (€2,717,273): 653982 - Grest - Getting Ready for EST
01/01/2015 EU funding (€2,874,824): 644956 - Rais - Scalable, Point-of-Care and Label Free Microarray Platform for Rapid Detection of Sepsis
01/06/2015 EU funding (€2,939,998): 636811 - Fracrisk - Furthering the Knowledge Base for Reducing the Environmental Footprint of Shale GAS Development (Fracrisk)
01/03/2015 EU funding (€2,952,399): 633476 - Aquaspace - Ecosystem Approach to Making Space for Aquaculture
01/04/2015 EU funding (€20.7M): 633211 - Atlantos - Optimizing and Enhancing the Integrated Atlantic Ocean Observing System
15/09/2015 EU funding (€239,191): 656127 - 3F-Futurefreshfruit - Elucidating the Molecular Basis of Fruit Resistance to Desiccation: the Cuticle AS a KEY Factor
16/06/2015 EU funding (€239,191): 661361 - Netpac - Microbial Networks for PAC Cycling in Polluted Soils
16/06/2015 EU funding (€244,233): Impact of Global Change on the Remobilization and Bioaccumulation of Organic Pollutants in Polar Aquatic Food Webs
01/02/2015 EU funding (€254,474): The Most Cosmopolitan Animal Migration: Phylogeography and Population Genomics of the Butterfly Vanessa Cardui
01/06/2015 EU funding (€260,000): 653982 - Grest - Getting Ready for EST
01/08/2015 EU funding (€272,480): 655653 - Kincoop - do Plants Cooperate in Reproduction? the Effect of Sharing Pollination Services on Plant Reproductive Strategies
01/04/2015 EU funding (€28,333): 654310 - Odip 2 - Extending the Ocean Data Interoperability Platform
01/07/2015 EU funding (€282,450): 644320 - Imixsed - Integrating Isotopic Techniques with Bayesian Modelling for Improved Assessment and Management of Global Sedimentation Problems
01/06/2015 EU funding (€282,511): 664440 - Funglass - Centre for Functional and Surface-Functionalized Glasses
01/09/2015 EU funding (€293,477): 654215 - Ahead - Integrated Activities for the High Energy Astrophysics Domain
01/07/2015 EU funding (€3,024,827): 665337 - Linabiofluid - Laser-Induced Nanostructures AS Biomimetic Model of Fluid Transport in the Integument of Animals
01/01/2015 EU funding (€3,028,039): 642157 - TOLLerant - Toll-Like Receptor 4 Activation and Function in Diseases: an Integrated Chemical-Biology Approach.
01/04/2015 EU funding (€3,048,038): 642742 - Enabling Excellence - Graphene-Based Nanomaterials for Touchscreen Technologies: Comprehension, Commerce and Communication
01/04/2015 EU funding (€3,395,987): 634476 - Treasure - Diversity of Local PIG Breeds and Production Systems for High Quality Traditional Products and Sustainable Pork Chains
01/03/2015 EU funding (€3,429,909): 633571 - Diversifood - Embedding Crop Diversity and Networking for Local High Quality Food Systems
01/10/2015 EU funding (€3,461,667): 675132 - Masstrplan - Mass Spectrometry Training Network for Protein Lipid Adduct Analysis
01/10/2015 EU funding (€3,587,944): 675530 - Answer - Antibiotics and Mobile Resistance Elements in Wastewater Reuse Applications: Risks and Innovative Solutions
01/01/2015 EU funding (€3,594,987): 642870 - Immunoshape - Development of Selective Carbohydrate Immunomodulators Targeting C-Type Lectin Receptors on Antigen Presenting Cells
01/09/2015 EU funding (€3,615,144): 675585 - Symbiosys - Systematic Models for Biological Systems Engineering Training Network
01/01/2015 EU funding (€3,680,796): 641887 - Defnet - DEFect NETwork Materials Science and Engineering
01/01/2015 EU funding (€3,709,416): 642196 - iSwitch - Integrated Self-Assembled SWITCHable Systems and Materials: Towards Responsive Organic Electronics ¿ a Multi-Site Innovative Training Action
01/01/2015 EU funding (€3,713,673): 642609 - Euroleish-NET - Control of Leishmaniasis, From Bench to Bedside and Community
01/11/2015 EU funding (€3,784,723): 675858 - West-Life - World-Wide E-Infrastructure for Structural Biology
01/01/2015 EU funding (€3,788,097): 644096 - Ecomode - Event-Driven Compressive Vision for Multimodal Interaction with Mobile Devices
01/09/2015 EU funding (€3,823,541): 676480 - Bestpass - Boosting Plant-Endophyte Stability, Compatibility and Performance Across Scales
01/06/2015 EU funding (€3,868,607): 662147 - Cebama - Cement-Based Materials, Properties, Evolution, Barrier Functions
01/09/2015 EU funding (€3,924,602): 676555 - Emsodev - Emso Implementation and Operation: Development of Instrument Module
01/05/2015 EU funding (€3,983,756): 640947 - Greendiamond - Green Electronics with Diamond Power Devices
01/01/2015 EU funding (€30,000): Optical Coherence Tomography for Intraocular Lenses
01/07/2015 EU funding (€302,700): 644435 - Signat - Evaluation of Plant Signaling Networks in Natural Environments
05/01/2015 EU funding (€341,387): Chemical Programming of Toll Like Receptor 4: Design, Synthesis and Biological Studies of Prostate-Cancer Vaccines
01/09/2015 EU funding (€360,710): 654248 - Corbel - Coordinated Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-Science Services
01/09/2015 EU funding (€374,000): 676555 - Emsodev - Emso Implementation and Operation: Development of Instrument Module
01/06/2015 EU funding (€386,850): 645757 - Vivoimag - Multimodal Imaging of the in Vivo Fate of Bone Transplants
01/09/2015 EU funding (€39,969): 646221 - Nanoreg II - Development and Implementation of Grouping and Safe-by-Design Approaches Within Regulatory Frameworks
01/01/2015 EU funding (€4,293,693): 643694 - Hearten - a co-Operative mHEALTH Environment Targeting Adherence and Management of Patients Suffering From Heart Failure
01/03/2015 EU funding (€4,372,015): 634561 - Traditom - Traditional Tomato Varieties and Cultural Practices: a Case for Agricultural Diversification with Impact on Food Security and Health of European Population
01/06/2015 EU funding (€4,643,551): 654359 - Elter - European Long-Term Ecosystem and Socio-Ecological Research Infrastructure
01/09/2015 EU funding (€4,689,000): 654215 - Ahead - Integrated Activities for the High Energy Astrophysics Domain
01/10/2015 EU funding (€441,781): 652831 - Aquaexcel2020 - Aquaculture Infrastructures for Excellence in European Fish Research Towards 2020
01/04/2015 EU funding (€477,109): SEW-Reap: Addressing Food Security, Environmental Stress and Water by Promoting Multidisciplinary Research EU and China Partnerships in Science and Business
01/05/2015 EU funding (€495,000): 654028 - Iperion CH - Integrated Platform for the European Research Infrastructure on Cultural Heritage
01/01/2015 EU funding (€498,600): "Development and Implementation of Å-Tools for Volcanic Hazard Assessment and Risk Management (Vetools)"
01/03/2015 EU funding (€5,675,832): 634495 - Minouw - Science, Technology, and Society Initiative to Minimize Unwanted Catches in European Fisheries
01/05/2015 EU funding (€5,870,241): 635536 - Empowerputida - Exploiting Native Endowments by RE-Factoring, RE-Programming and Implementing Novel Control Loops in Pseudomonas Putida for Bespoke Biocatalysis
01/04/2015 EU funding (€5,926,521): 634486 - Inmare - Industrial Applications of Marine Enzymes: Innovative Screening and Expression Platforms to Discover and USE the Functional Protein Diversity From the SEA
14/09/2015 EU funding (€5,958,803): 680395 - Romeo - Reactor Optimisation by Membrane Enhanced Operation
01/04/2015 EU funding (€50,726): The Role of Mixotrophs in the Oceanic Carbon Cycle
01/09/2015 EU funding (€525,766): Mitigation of Environmental Impact Caused by Dwor Textile Finishing Chemicals Studying Their NON-Toxic Alternatives
01/03/2015 EU funding (€58,217): 634495 - Minouw - Science, Technology, and Society Initiative to Minimize Unwanted Catches in European Fisheries
01/05/2015 EU funding (€593,000): 654109 - Actris-2 - Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure
01/09/2015 EU funding (€596,157): RE-Utilization of Drainage Solution From Soilless Culture in Protected Agriculture. From Open to Close System
01/01/2015 EU funding (€6,150,201): 646433 - Naiades - Na-Ion bAttery Demonstration for Electric Storage
01/04/2015 EU funding (€6,407,889): 633962 - P4SB - P4SB ¿ From Plastic Waste to Plastic Value Using Pseudomonas Putida Synthetic Biology
01/11/2015 EU funding (€6,849,982): 635646 - Ponte - Pest Organisms Threatening Europe - Support to Research Focused on Emerging Pests in EU Agriculture and Forestry
01/09/2015 EU funding (€620,000): 653706 - Inext - Infrastructure for NMR, EM and X-RAY Crystallography for Translational Research
01/05/2015 EU funding (€621,000): 654168 - Aida-2020 - Advanced European Infrastructures for Detectors AT Accelerators
01/09/2015 EU funding (€621,000): 654410 - Jerico-Next - Joint European Research Infrastructure Network for Coastal Observatory ¿ Novel European Expertise for Coastal Observatories
01/10/2015 EU funding (€622,074): 652831 - Aquaexcel2020 - Aquaculture Infrastructures for Excellence in European Fish Research Towards 2020
15/10/2015 EU funding (€624,091): International Higher Education Capacity Building : Création D'UN Master EN Biotechnologies Végétales Appliquées
01/07/2015 EU funding (€625,650): 645658 - Dafneox - Designing Advanced Functionalities through Controlled Nanoelement Integration in Oxide Thin Films
01/05/2015 EU funding (€7,499,988): 654028 - Iperion CH - Integrated Platform for the European Research Infrastructure on Cultural Heritage
01/01/2015 EU funding (€7,589,141): 643558 - EMI-TB - Eliciting Mucosal Immunity to Tuberculosis
01/04/2015 EU funding (€7,800,000): 634429 - Parafishcontrol - Advanced Tools and Research Strategies for Parasite Control in European Farmed Fish
01/04/2015 EU funding (€7,826,547): 635595 - Carbazymes - Sustainable Industrial Processes Based on a C-C Bond-Forming Enzyme Platform
01/03/2015 EU funding (€8,000,000): 654142 - EGI-Engage - Engaging the EGI Community Towards an Open Science Commons
01/04/2015 EU funding (€8,226,882): 635408 - Paragone - Paragone: Vaccines for Animal Parasites
01/09/2015 EU funding (€8,429,253): 642154 - Fissac - Fostering Industrial Symbiosis for a Sustainable Resource Intensive Industry Across the Extended Construction Value Chain
01/10/2015 EU funding (€8,483,793): 652831 - Aquaexcel2020 - Aquaculture Infrastructures for Excellence in European Fish Research Towards 2020
01/05/2015 EU funding (€8,778,701): 641185 - Cemcap - CO2 Capture From Cement Production
01/05/2015 EU funding (€8,948,195): 654109 - Actris-2 - Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure
16/09/2015 EU funding (€8,998,997): Grant FP7 - 613688 - Foodintegrity
01/06/2015 EU funding (€80,004): 653961 - Ipad-MD - Research Infrastructures for Phenotyping, Archiving and Distribution of Mouse Disease Models - Promoting International Cooperation and User Engagement to Enhance Biomedical Innovation
01/09/2015 EU funding (€9,377,876): 654410 - Jerico-Next - Joint European Research Infrastructure Network for Coastal Observatory ¿ Novel European Expertise for Coastal Observatories
01/05/2015 EU funding (€9,379,000): 654168 - Aida-2020 - Advanced European Infrastructures for Detectors AT Accelerators
01/09/2015 EU funding (€9,379,534): 653706 - Inext - Infrastructure for NMR, EM and X-RAY Crystallography for Translational Research
01/10/2015 EU funding (€9,918,447): 654000 - Sine2020 - World Class Science and Innovation with Neutrons in Europe 2020 ¿ Sine2020
01/06/2015 EU funding (€915,614): 653961 - Ipad-MD - Research Infrastructures for Phenotyping, Archiving and Distribution of Mouse Disease Models - Promoting International Cooperation and User Engagement to Enhance Biomedical Innovation
01/10/2015 EU funding (€945,000): 654000 - Sine2020 - World Class Science and Innovation with Neutrons in Europe 2020 ¿ Sine2020
01/02/2015 EU funding (€999,948): 641538 - ConnectinGEO - Coordinating an Observation Network of Networks EnCompassing saTellite and in-Situ to Fill the Gaps in European Observations

This filing was translated from to English. The filing refers to a past date, and does not necessarily reflect the current state. The current state is available on the following page: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Madrid, Spain.

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